Christian Books For Sale In Haitian Creole
Shepherds Books is dedicated to making the study of Christianity accessible to all. We specialize in selling Bibles and Christian books nationwide.
Shepherds Books specifically sells Christian books in Haitian Creole as well as Haitian Creole Bibles. We offer hundreds of Christian titles in Haitian Creole as well as many other languages like French, English, Spanish, Swahili, Cantonese, Pashto, and many others.
Whether you're a bookstore looking for a reliable supplier of Christian books in Haitian Creole, need a Haitian Creole Bible or book for a friend, or are simply exploring your faith, Shepherds Books has you covered. Browse our extensive catalog of hundreds of Christian titles in Haitian Creole and other languages.
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Haitian Creole Books & Bibles FAQ
We do offer wholesale ordering whether that’s for a bookstore, ministry, or church. Since we’re a dropshipper, the wholesale orders are not always in supply from the publisher or supplier. In that case, we’ll communicate with you and refund your order if needed. Normally, however, your bulk order will be delivered, no problem!
We charge a flat rate shipping cost per item ordered.
While it may depend on many variables such as the type of book, the language ordered, and/or the availability status, our delivery times usually range between 6-12 business days.
Shepherds Books is committed to bringing the word of God in Haitian, and other languages, to as many people living in America as possible. Our goal is to be a resource of Christian literature for bookstores, churches, and ministries as well as a resource for those seeking to learn more about God and His love.
While there are plenty of resources online, such as the Jesus Film Project,, and many others, we would also be happy to talk to you if you have specific questions! Contact us now! We’d be happy to reply!
The Joshua Project identifies and informs believers about unreached ethnic groups lacking Gospel access. It provides detailed prayer requests and demographics to help reach these undiscovered communities with the Christian message.
An Overview of Christianity and the Haitian Language
Christianity in Haiti traces back to the late 15th century with the arrival of Spanish settlers and missionaries, who introduced Catholicism to the island. Following French control in the 17th century, Catholicism became the dominant religion, with French-speaking priests overseeing religious activities. After gaining independence in 1804, Haiti officially adopted Catholicism as the state religion, though Protestantism also gradually gained a foothold in the country. The religious landscape in Haiti is unique due to the blend of Catholicism and Vodou, a traditional African-derived religion, which many Haitians practice alongside Christianity.
The Haitian Creole language developed as a fusion of French, African languages, and indigenous influences, becoming the primary language of everyday life. In the 20th century, efforts to make Christianity accessible in Haitian Creole were advanced by Protestant missionaries, who translated the New Testament into Haitian Creole in 1960. The full Bible in Haitian Creole, completed in 1985, made Scripture more accessible to the population, who largely speak Creole rather than French. Today, Christianity remains central to Haitian culture, with the Bible in Haitian Creole continuing to serve as a crucial resource for worship and religious education.